Friday, March 25, 2016


I got something done this week I've been meaning to do for a long time - join Thrive Market.*

If you aren't familiar, Thrive sells Paleo (or Vegan, Organic, Gluten-Free, etc.) staples at wholesale prices. It's like the Costco, BJ's, Sam's Club for health freaks. Membership is reasonable - $60 for the year - and shipping is free as long as your order is over $49. Plus they usually throw in free goodies - for my first shipment, I got a free jar of coconut oil AND free glass cleaner. Woot!

Thrive has been around for a little while now, but because I was moving around so much, I wanted to wait until I got settled to join. 

Here's what I like:
  • Quick Delivery: Like I said, it's free when you place an order over $49 (not too difficult to do because there are so many awesome options) and I received my first shipment in less than a week.
  • Good prices on the following: 
    • Canned coconut milk (side note: I really miss the Trader Joe's brand that was $1.00 and I wish they'd bring it back!) - it's $2.45 here compared to $3.45 at my grocery store.
    • Epic Bars - Epic makes a really good Whole 30 compliant snack, but when you order direct from the company, it gets pricey - especially after adding in shipping costs. So now I feel like I can indulge more frequently!
    • Primal Kitchen Mayo - another Whole 30 staple, and so happy to have something to go with my canned tuna.
  • Hand-written thank you's: It's a nice touch.
Thrive market healthy grocery delivery

There are only two things I wish were a little bit different:
  • Not the best deal on certain items: Coconut oil is definitely cheaper at Costco. Apple Cider Vinegar is cheaper at Trader Joe's. Just do your research before deciding what to buy! And know most of the items you would be buying at Thrive aren't available at your usual stops anyway.
  • Still need to maintain that Costco membership: I already mentioned coconut oil is cheaper there, but you can't buy your perishables at Thrive. Costco is where I get all of my meats for a month, and I'll usually pick up some bulk veggies while I'm there too. 
I'll end on another plug for Thrive though - for every membership purchased, Thrive donates a membership to a low-income family to help make healthy food affordable for all. I totally dig the socially-conscious vibe the company gives. 

*This is not a sponsored post in any way, just wanted to share my experience with them so far. And - in full disclosure - if you choose to join via the referral link above, it's mutually beneficial - you will get 15% off your first order. 

Today's exercise: Rest.

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