Monday, October 26, 2015

Walk to the Dark Side

Since I had a less than awesome run yesterday, I wanted to leave myself open to the possibility of getting a long run in this morning before work. But then I get sucked into watching Monsters University and Hocus Pocus late last night. Thanks again ABC Family Channel for messing with my plans for the second week in a row.

Star Wars Yoda and Luke - no running today, up late watching Disney movies

It's not totally detrimental to my training schedule - Mondays are scheduled rest days anyway.  I'm definitely going to bed on time tonight, and leaving enough time for meditation beforehand to help get me relaxed and ready for sleep so that I can try again for a long run before work tomorrow.

I did get an invitation from my mother to go for a walk this evening, which made me think about what I typically do on scheduled rest days - nothing. This is apparently a mistake, and adding walking to my days off may actually help my athletic performance.

I'm not a total sloth, mind you - I take my dog out 2-3 times a day (sometimes 4 if my husband can't take him), and we're out for 10 minutes at a time. But it wouldn't be too difficult for me to incorporate another half hour to hour of walking on days I'm not hitting the gym, especially now that I live in Florida and won't be doing my walks through 3 feet of snow over the next few months. The end of Daylight Savings Time is coming up Saturday,  but even though nightfall is going to come earlier now, I have plenty of well-lit sidewalks to choose from (and I will be welcoming the earlier sunshine during those 6am dates with the gym).

The only real challenge to my evening walk with my mother is putting up with well-intentioned nagging and criticism a few storm clouds hanging overhead - hopefully they'll just blow over.

173 days left.

Today's Exercise: "Active" Rest

CoffeeCoffee, chiliChef Salad

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