Wednesday, January 13, 2016

To run or not to run?

That is the question. 

The feet feel fine. Sunday's beach run did not do permanent damage, thankfully. There are only two things holding me back from getting out the door tomorrow bright and early to get back into my routine.

Thing 1: Although my feet feel fine, they don't look fine. I'm worried that a run done too prematurely could sideline me for much longer than three days.

Thing 2: It's cold.

Going for a run on Hoth, the snowy planet in Star Wars

A long time ago (July) in a galaxy far away (New Jersey), I packed all of my winter clothes, including my Under Armour cold gear, into a box and said farewell as our friendly movers hauled it off to Florida and buried it somewhere in a storage unit.

I anticipated we'd meet again well before winter arrived in Florida. After all, we were supposed to be in our newly built home in St. Petersburg and out of storage sometime around the end of October. Heck, that's like still the middle of summer down here.

And then this happened.

And we're still not in our newly built home. 

And my winter clothes are still buried. I don't have a single long sleeved shirt. 

So, in the last week, I've left the house wearing:

A. A pink bathrobe. Who needs a jacket?
B. My husband's runDisney Star Wars shirts from last year. 

At least I have some variety, as we each got three shirts from these races - one for the 10k, one for the half, and one for the Rebel Challenge. I'm grateful that my husband had better foresight in his packing than I did so that neither of us have to freeze. But he and I aren't quite the same size. My hands disappear in the sleeves. If I added a belt, these would actually make great dresses for me.

The lack of warmer running gear is a lame excuse, I'm aware. I could still make my triumphant return to running tomorrow... on the treadmill. 

But is a treadmill run worth the small but possible risk of further injury to my feet?

94 days left

Today's Exercise:  Rest

Beef stew, coffeeBeef Stew , teaAlmondsMore Beef stew


  1. I read the post about why you're not in your new home... UGH. My in-laws just went through something similar... they finally got into their new home 6 months after it was originally promised (and even then it wasn't quite finished). Anyway. Old Navy has an active wear sale going on, you could probably find a long-sleeved shirt or two there ;) Good luck!

  2. I am definitely hearing this is more common than not with new construction! A Burger King down the road got knocked down and re-built since we were supposed to close in October. Why could THEY do it so quickly? Haha it does sound like we're definitely moving at the end of this month though - I can't wait (well... I can't wait to be moved in and settled... the actual moving part I'm not looking forward to). Thanks for the Old Navy tip, I decided to give myself one more day off today. Back to the grind tomorrow!
