Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Jedi Mind Tricks

I tried a new approach before going to bed last night where I visualized myself actually being excited and looking forward to a morning workout. This approach may have worked a little TOO well - I got myself so psyched up for going to the gym this morning that I kept waking up throughout the night thinking "Is it 6am yet?"

Star Wars Chewbacca loves the gym. So healthy.

When it hit 5am, I figured I probably wasn't going back to sleep, so I just lied there and let the hour pass. It felt like it was taking forever. I don't want this approach to be counterproductive - continued lack of sleep could very well mean trouble in the future. Still, it was nice to feel a little bit different when my alarm clock actually went off this morning.

Run wasn't great though - got a cramp 20 minutes in. I'm also not a fan of this new branch of Globo Gym we're using. The one we were using last week that we technically weren't supposed to be using was so much nicer, with personal televisions on each of the treadmills and decent showers. But - when I compare it to the branch that is closest to our new home that we'll be using after we move - this one is on par. It will have to do!

144 days left.

Today's Exercise:  30 minute treadmill interval run @ Globo Gym

coffee, GNC Pureedge ProteinTuna salad, pumpkin teaChili

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